Club training
The club has organized training in all branches every week (see specifically the week's workout below). Some sessions are in collaboration with other associations. Information about the training is published regularly on Facebook and sent via our email group .

Måndag, onsdag och torsdag simmar vi på Fyrishov (se tider nedanför). Plats i simgruppen krävs, se den separata infon gällande simning.
Open water training (OW) during the summer on Mondays and Thursdays at Björklingebadet. We train, among other things, aiming and drafting in addition to swimming and getting faster. Sometimes long and sometimes intervals.
We also have a collaboration with US Master and can therefore participate in each other's OW training. They swim out in Marielund on Mondays and Sundays.
Saturdays at 09:00, we cycle for 2-3 hours. Note that change can take place. Therefore, be sure to join our email group / Facebook.
Summer season: Road cycling starting from Nelins . Our ambition is to have two speed groups, but of course we adapt the speed to all participants.
Winter season: When it gets too cold for road cycling, we continue with MTB (mountain bike) starting from Studenternas parking i Uppsala.

Tuesdays at IFU arena (see times below). We warm up, do some running training and then have a review of the workout. All in all, about an hour.
Summer season: We meet at the entrance to the IFU arena and then go to the outdoor court together.
Winter season: We meet inside at the running track. Bags and the like can be brought to the stands as we have joint control of these. Obs. Take into account IFU's rules for the indoor track. If you want to train / run inside IFU at other times, an entrance fee applies.
During the summer, IK Fyris Uppsala Triathlon offers joint training on the Sprint distance in Björklinge.
Please note that there are training sessions so no times are registered. However, it may be possible to call out times on request before but nothing guaranteed. For safety's sake, take your time.
Everyone is welcome, so feel free to bring a friend or family member who wants to try. What is needed is a suitable swimsuit (preferably a wet suit over the tri / swimwear), a bicycle with working brakes, a bicycle helmet, tri / bicycle clothing, possibly. running shoes and tri / running clothes.
The distance on the Sprint is as follows:
750 m swimming, 20 km cycling, 5 km running.
Of course, participation can take place in only one / some of the three parts during these summer opportunities, these are training opportunities so the participants train what they want to train on.